Monday, March 14, 2016

Looking to get away from it all for a little while. Sitting on the plane in LaGuardia, waiting for takeoff. So far the travel has been smooth. Made it thru tsa security. The zippers in the legs of my hiking pants caused me to need a patdown in Rochester, but no big deal.

Weather is grey this morning, but the weather report for Tampa is sunny and in the 70s. Should be great baseball and hiking. A fun 3 day getaway.

Made it to Safety Harbor and the air bnb. Stephanie is a good host. Nice room.

Resting tonite but I still feel done-in from fatigue from that wicked stomach virus on Saturday. Bad timing. All I did Sunday was sleep, among some other things. I was really wiped out, destroyed.

After finding my room, I rested a bit and then headed out to take a look around the town of Safety Harbor. Despite feeling less than stellar,  I walked the mile to downtown. It was good to stretch the legs.  Tried my first real food since then. A half club sandwich. After that I added in a walk thru a local park.

The terrain is very different here.  Along many spots,  it's swamp on both sides.  So very different from home.

The weather is hot and humid. When the wind blows,  it both cools and heats.  The wind puts a chill across skin while the heat in it brings out a sweat.  Odd sensation.

The city of Safety Harbor is on the west side of the bay and appears to be a commuter suburb.

Also many of the people here are bronzed so I stick out like a sore thumb.  I'm so white.  Well,  it had been since November that I have truly seen a beating down sun.

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